⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Australia's top echelon of musicians. The creative and entertaining programme was delivered with a flourish by musicians at their peak. Ensemble Q’s Trout Quintet by Schubert was exquisite and the best I’ve heard.
Limelight, April 2024
Limelight, April 2024
Up next:
22 September Ensemble Q @ Elm House
30 September - 12 October Musica Viva National Tour
New concert added!
3pm SUNDAY 22 SEPTEMBER ELM HOUSE Cnr Browns Rd & Mount Glorious Rd, Mount Glorious Click here for more details and bookings |
Click the images below to see more about each event
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"An astonishing evening of chamber music. This was the sort of performance that I haven’t seen in a while, where I was reminded of the sort of heights that chamber music can reach. Not once did I hear a note without a rock-solid sense of direction and confidence behind it. Quite possibly the best performance I’ve seen all year, and an astonishing feat of music-making..... frankly, this was a jaw-dropping performance." Limelight, October 2021
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"An intimate and incomparable evening of chamber music from Ensemble Q with Eva Kong. Ensemble Q returned with an unparalleled “intimate evening of musical decadence”. The group was formed in 2017 by Trish and Paul Dean and is one of the most vibrant and innovative chamber ensembles in Australia. Their willingness to revamp the general opinions of stuffy chamber music has attracted many eminent national and international guest artists to perform with them." Limelight, October 29 2021
"In an uplifting and joyous final concert, Ensemble Q soared to new heights with their sublime renditions and humorous execution of music composed in times of adversity. " Limelight, September 2021
"In an uplifting and joyous final concert, Ensemble Q soared to new heights with their sublime renditions and humorous execution of music composed in times of adversity. " Limelight, September 2021
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Ensemble Q acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the many lands on which we meet, rehearse and perform. We pay our respects to Elders past and present - people who have created music, dance and stories
on these lands for thousands of generations, and who continue to do so.
on these lands for thousands of generations, and who continue to do so.
Site design & images by Trish Dean | Ensemble Q Australia Inc ABN 66494650123